Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Semster Break!!! = ^ > ^ =

Haaaaaaaaaa ...

It's the end of my first semester of my first college year. Today I had my last final exam in room M-155. I went straight to the room. I know exactly where it's, I had three tests in the same room before. Actually, now I have enough experience to tell where any room is just by knowing the number, I can tell in which floor and which building the room is!

Coming to think of it, during my first 2-3 weeks, the situation was completely the opposite and extremely funny. I used to set off to classes before at least 15 minutes of the starting time, so I can 'search' for the classroom without tension, however, I rather arrived late! Also, I used to go to the interior design section and roam around there for long time before I realize that I’m in the wrong place. Some people started to think that I’m an interior design student because they often met me there, while my section, graphic design, was on the completely opposite side of the building! I think it was going to be much easier if the college provided freshmen with hand maps of the campus.
But still, they were amusing exploration adventures specially when with friends. The campus was like a wide jungle for us to discover its secrets. I remember how happy we were when we found the GYM. We started taking a lot of photos using our cell phones, and the next day my friend brought her digital camera and we took a lot of photos in the gym, our classrooms and other classrooms and lecture halls that we had never studied in!


- Eh... I say, we are searching for an hour now, and everyone we ask seems to be giving different directions... are you sure that there is a gym in this college? Maybe they all are just lying!!
- How come 10 people will lie to us about the same thing on the same day!? At least one of them would tell us the truth!! .. Just keep going, we have to find it, WE HAVE!
-now I remember, I have a class after 30 minutes and it's my first time to attend this class. I have to start searching now We may continue the 'gym expedition' later....
-ah... just Waite, see that sign there? We didn't come here before... something is written on that sign!
(We get closer...)
-'fitness room’? Is this supposed to mean gym? But it is an empty 6ft x 3ft passage... no way it is!
-maybe it's behind this door? The sign is in the middle of the empty passage, but the door has nothing beside it. (By then, we already know that every door in our college has the function and the number of the room written beside it)

(We open the door)

-huh... toilets, with baths!! I think this is the gym's toilets... but where's the gym itself!?

-LOOK! There is another door on the other side ... maybe the gym!?

- (we both praying) please god, please... we want a proper gym... we need it!

(Open the mysterious door... craaaaaaack!)

- (in one voice) THE GYM!!! Thanks god!


Three similarities between my campus and Hogwarts Castle:

#1-in Hogwarts, it's impossible to know where the stairs will lead you.

-In my campus, for at least the first 2-3 weeks, it's impossible to know where the stairs (and elevators) will lead you, too.

#2-in Hogwarts, there are so few people who you can depend on to have correct directions.

-in my campus, virtually no one will ever give you correct directions!!

#3-in Hogwarts, doors that you don't know, may hide adventures.

-in my campus, if it was your first 2-3 weeks ,and you lost the way to your classroom and reached a wrong one, and if you were too unlucky to open the door and find a class going on there and about 26 people staring at you, well, this is also an adventure but of another sort!


This break will last for 2 weeks, then we will be back to have new courses, new professors, and new friends, too. I hope the next semester will be as great as this semester, and even better.

My latest art creations ^^ >click<

1 Comment:


Great blog..really creative. Hope the rest of the school yr goes is great spiritual experience